Kate Packard, MSN, RN

Email:  [email protected]
Direct Phone: (847) 512-6652
Attendance Line: (847) 512-6650

Return to school protocol:

I truly appreciate your partnership as we strive to keep our students as healthy as possible. When a student is sent home due to illness, the school nurse will provide guidance regarding return-to-school protocol.

When a student is sent home due to illness, the school nurse will provide guidance regarding return-to-school protocol. If a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea is present, the student must remain home until those symptoms have been resolved for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.

If symptoms are attributed to another diagnosis, the student may return to school when the symptoms have improved and he/she is feeling well enough to participate in all aspects of the school day. If the student exhibits symptoms unique to COVID-19, such as a loss of taste or smell, or if the student has been exposed to a known COVID-19 case, he/she should have a negative COVID test result prior to returning to school.

If the student has been diagnosed with any communicable disease (strep, conjunctivitis, pertussis etc.), please contact your school nurse to discuss isolation length and clearance to return to school.

The use of COVID tests is strongly encouraged to ensure that schools remain safe and healthy environments for all students and staff.


Transfer Students (from outside Illinois) – A State of Illinois Certification of Child Health Examination form is due upon entering WJHS School in all grades. Please note that there is a health history section that must be completed and signed by a parent. An Illinois eye form is required for students that are entering an Illinois school for the first time.

Transfer Students (from within Illinois) – Complete transfer records from the student's previous school will be accepted OR a State of Illinois Certification of Child Health Examination form is required. Please note that there is a health history section that must be completed and signed by a parent.

All student health forms can be found here.

More Information

A new Illinois Emergency Action Plan is due at the beginning of each school year for students with severe food allergies. Please submit this form with your child's emergency medication.

District 39 requires a current Asthma Action plan for those students who keep a bronchodilator at school. Please click here for a sample plan for home and school.

A current medication authorization form is required to accompany any medication (other than an epinephrine auto-injector already covered by an emergency action plan).

For more information, please visit our District 39 General Health Information webpage.